Important: We want to hear from you. Tell us your "wish list" for QuarkXTensions as we are currently developing an advanced version of XState™ and we want to include the features you would like to see!
3337 S. Bristol Suite 87
Santa Ana, CA 92704 USA
AppleLink: Markzware
America OnLine: Markzware
Fax: 1-714-241-3874
To upgrade your copy of XState™ to 2.16 simply run the XState™ 2.16 Updater, then for QuarkXPress 3.2 and above, copy the XState™ Help file into your QuarkXPress folder as desired.
Release notes for XState™ 2.16:
(Note: The following functions are either new or have changed and may not be reflected in your current XState™ manual):
1. Last Used Auxiliary Dictionaries are now supported. Simply select the one you want to use, or select the item <none>. The current dictionary will be checkmarked on the menu and this may change, of course, depending on which document is frontmost. Dictionary Folders can be used in the usual way to locate your dictionaries.
2. You can now create a project by building a list of selected documents on your disk drives. Select “New Project...” from the XState™ menu and choose the documents from your drive that you wish to add to the project. This is done by clicking on the document name, then clicking the "Add" button (or by simply double-clicking a document name) and it will be added to the list at the bottom of the dialog. You can also use the "Add All" button to add every document in a given folder. To remove a document, select its name on the list and click the "Remove" button. Check the "Auto-Open" box if you want to automatically open the chosen documents upon creating the project. When the list is complete, or you just want to start with an empty project, enter a title for the new project and then click the "Create" button.
3. Multiple Projects are now supported. However, it is usually a much safer practice to limit your work to one project at a time, or to at least avoid having the same documents shared by other active projects as this can possibly result in various time conflicts. The frontmost project will always display the current date and time at the top left on its palette while the other active projects will show their document titles and times grayed out. To make a project become active, click on the palette to bring it to the front. When the project is made active, its first companion document will also be brought to the front. Likewise, whenever you click on a document and it becomes frontmost, its companion project will be also brought to the front. You can prevent this document or project “auto-switching” by holding down the command key when clicking on either a document or project palette.
4. You can set a limit to the amount of Menu Items for your last used files and folders via the XState™ Preferences by entering the desired amounts. The Preferences also offers settings for handling XPress Prefs Conflicts. Click the “XPress Prefs” button and select the desired checkbox of how you would like your documents handled having conflicts with the current XPress Preferences. Checking “Show Dialog” basically turns off all settings. Checking “Enable Control Key” means you can always override any setting and force “Use Document Settings” by holding down the control key while a document is opening.
5. You can lengthen or shorten the document titles on a project palette by dragging the right side of any document title "rectangle".
6. Library Sets has been moved to the "Library..." pop-up menu.
7. Italic menu items representing files not readily available will be appended to the very end of the last used menus (which allows easy removal).
8. Shift-command select will now remove a consecutive “group” of files contained on the same volume if "Show Volume Name" is the menu preference. Including the option key will always force removal of a “volume group”.
9. Clicking the document icon on the project palette will now only cycle through the currently active project documents. Include the shift key to cycle through all other documents (or type option-command-shift W).
10. Click the Find icon on the project palette to search for certain documents in the project. The Find Document dialog will appear asking you to enter the search
criteria. Type in a comparison string (special characters such as those used by QuarkXPress’s Find/Change are not allowed), then select the whole word and ignore case radio buttons as desired. The currently open documents contained in the project starting with the frontmost project document will be searched for a match based on the criteria. To find again: Hold down the command key when clicking the find icon to locate the next occurrence of the word. In this case, a “revolving” search will be performed. For example, if a match is found in a document which is not the frontmost document, its window will be brought to the front. To find the next closed document: Hold down both the option and command keys when clicking the find icon to cause the search to continue on closed project documents if no match is found on the open documents. To search closed documents only: Hold down the option key when clicking the find icon to search only the currently closed project
documents. Note that these keystrokes can also be applied when clicking OK on the Find Document dialog.
11. When selecting "Open Project...", you may also select the Open Checked box to open only those documents which are checkmarked (which will override their “last opened” status).
12. Holding down the control key while clicking the project palette’s close box will only put away the project and leave all of its active documents on the screen.
13. When selecting "Time Stamp", hold down the command key to also include your “chooser” name.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be effective, XState™ needs to load before most other XTensions and for this reason its name begins with a period. Since XTensions are basically loaded alphabetically this name should not be changed. Furthermore, for QuarkXPress 3.3, it is best to place XState™ in the XTensions folder which will guarantee the proper loading sequence.